News and Articles

Spring Is About To Spring
With Mothers Day not far away, it marks the start of a seasonal time of year much loved by all. When Spring arrives and we emerge from the cold dark days of winter (Let’s be honest, Autumn and Winter of 2022/2023 has been a both a wet and cold affair!), the Sun comes out, the birds sing, the inspects start to buzz and along with the sap in trees rising, our spirits do also. It’s a colourful and magical time of year when nature comes back to life and we experience those lovely spring flowers bursting through!
Fanatical About Film Art
The Christmas period often brings with it some very different items that need picture framing. It’s wonderful to celebrate and show-off our “fandom” and a well chosen picture frame, layout and mount design can really make those precious photo’s, pictures and fan artefacts really stand out. Much like their subject matter they become a piece worth celebrating, displaying and talking about with others.
Not just simply promotional posters (although we have done some wonderful examples of these) - Recently we had the pleasure of framing a couple of TV / Film (and book!) related fan art pieces.
Bowled Over by our Picture Framing!
As well as being lucky enough to frame some extraordinary and beautiful photo’s, pictures and artworks for our personal customers, we also help realise framing solutions for some corporate and business clients also. We recently completed a couple of business related projects that we thought you’d like to read about. One a complicated memorabilia challenge, the other mount cut and layout one.

How to show a Generation of Love and Good Memories
Whilst every picture, photo, painting or artwork we get is of course special. Every now and again, we get the chance to present and frame something very special. In this particular news item we would like to share with you a recent project we undertook. It involved a couple of rings handed down to our customer from their mother.